sexta-feira, 5 de junho de 2020

Inglês - 7ºs anos

Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental David Canabarro
Componente curricular: Língua Inglesa
Professor: Rafael Kronowski
Turma: 7º A e B
Data: 05.06.2020

Aula programada
      I.        Todo o material deverá ser respondido e copiado/colado no caderno da disciplina, caprichosa e organizadamente.
     II.        Atenção: a realização das atividades propostas será requisito para registro de presença no período de afastamento, e servirá como uma das formas de avaliação do professor no retorno às aulas.
   III.        Traduza uma parte de cada vez, pode usar tanto o dicionário quanto um tradutor online.
   IV.        Se o escolhido for o tradutor online, traduza uma frase de cada vez, pois além disse o tradutor, normalmente, se perde e fornece traduções erradas.
    V.        O texto extraído do site da CNN pode ser colado no caderno, contudo, a tradução deve ser escrita à mão, também no caderno.
   VI.        Após a tradução, continue a matéria, seja o repórter e conclua a matéria como acha que ficaria melhor, em português.

A Florida police officer pushed a kneeling protester to the ground. Then his black colleague stepped in

(CNN)A Florida police officer is under investigation for allegedly shoving a black protester who was kneeling during a protest. But one of his colleagues, a black woman on the force, is receiving praise for appearing to reprimand him after the shove.
The Fort Lauderdale Police Department confirmed to CNN that Officer Steven Pohorence was relieved of duty and placed on administrative leave pending the results of an investigation into the incident.
It happened during a demonstration in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on Sunday -- one of dozens held nationwide over the past week after the death of George Floyd in police custody. Many of them have been peaceful. But some have turned violent.
In video captured by Instagram user @Illustrious.CEO, a videographer who asked CNN not to use his name out of concerns for his safety, the accused officer is seen approaching the protesters and telling them to back up.
Some protesters got on their knees and began chanting, "Hands up, don't shoot," the videographer told CNN of the moment. The officer then appeared to shove a protester who was on her knees. "That's when the turmoil began," the videographer said.

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